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Company Introduction


Company Introduction

Business Scope


Test Parameters
    • Function
    • Performance
    • Information security
    • Compatibility
    • Ease of use
    • Reliability
    • Maintainability
    • Portability
    • User documentation set requirements
    • Functionality: the degree to which a product or system provides functionality that meets explicit and implied requirements when used under specified conditions.

      Completeness: coverage degree of function set to specified task and user target;

      Correctness: the degree to which a product or system provides the correct result with the required accuracy; 

      Fitness: the degree to which functionality enables the achievement of specified tasks and goals; 

      Compliance: the degree to which a product complies with standards, conventions, or regulations related to functionality, and the like. 

    • Performance Efficiency: Performance is related to the amount of resources used under specified conditions.

      Time characteristics: the degree to which the response time, processing time and throughput rate of the product meet the requirements when performing its functions;

      Resource utilization: the degree to which the maximum limit of product parameters meets the demand;

      Capacity: the degree to which the maximum limit of product parameters meets the demand;

      Compliance: the degree to which a product complies with standards, conventions, or regulations, and the like, relating to performance and efficiency.

    • Information security: the degree to which information and data are protected so that users have data access consistent with their authorization.

       Confidentiality: the degree to which data can be accessed only when authorized; 

      Integrity: the degree to which unauthorized access to or tampering with computer data is prevented;

       Non-repudiation: the degree to which an event can be confirmed and denied after its occurrence; 

       Verifiability: the extent to which an activity can be uniquely traced back to that entity.

    • Compatibility: the degree to which a product can exchange information with other products under the same hardware and software conditions.
       Co-existence: the degree to which the required functionality can be performed without negatively impacting other products;
       Interoperability: the degree to which two or more systems can exchange information and use it;
      Compliance: the degree to which a product complies with standards, conventions, or regulations related to compatibility, and the like.

    • Ease of use: the degree to which a product can be used by a given user in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction.
       Identifiability: the degree to which a user can identify whether a product is suitable for his or her needs.
       Learnability: the degree to which a product can be used by users in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, risk tolerance, and satisfaction.
       Maneuverability: the degree to which a product is easy to operate and control.

    • Reliability: the degree to which a system performs a specified function under specified conditions and within a specified time.
      Availability: the degree to which a system can be operated and accessed when needed;
      Fault tolerance: the degree to which a system performs as expected despite hardware or software failures;
      Recoverability: the degree to which a product can recover directly affected data and reconstruct the desired system state in the event of an outage or failure.

    • Maintainability: the degree to which a product can be modified by a maintainer with effectiveness and efficiency.
      Ease of analysis: the degree to which the expected changes affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the system can be evaluated;
      Modifiability: the degree to which a production system can be modified effectively without introducing defects or reducing the quality of existing products;
      Testability: the ability to establish test criteria for a system and determine, through test execution, the degree of effectiveness and efficiency that it is being met.

    • Portability: the degree of effectiveness and efficiency to which a system can be migrated from one environment to another.
      Adaptability: the degree to which a system can effectively adapt to different operating (or using) environments;
      Ease of installation: the degree to which a system can be successfully installed and/or uninstalled with effectiveness and efficiency;
      Replaceability: the degree to which a product can replace another specified software product for the same purpose.

    • User documentation set requirements: information provided with the software to assist users in using the software.
      Content: included functions should be testable or verifiable;
      Completeness: it should contain the information necessary to use the software;
      Consistency: documents should not contradict themselves, each other, or the product description.


    Coperation Case
    • 北京邮电大学

    • 中信银行

    • 交通运输部水运研究院

    • 中国教育科学研究院

    • 康邦科技

    • 东华软件

    • 盛学成长

    • 蓝帕(北京)


    Honorary Certificate

    Honorary Certificate